MODIFIKASI Kijang Innova V 2.0 M/T, 2009 | Tampilan dan Audio Puas Luar Dalam

Fight in a contest event modification, can not just highlight the elements without the addition of a variety of cosmetic musical elements in it. As applied to the Toyota Kijang Innova's M. This Faisal.
Previously, outside ornamentation is still modest, but ahead of follow-up mat Accelera Auto Contest (AAC) in 2010 in Makassar, Faisal hastily dressed his favorite similar it to make it more attractive. According to the hobby man on these streets, he wanted to create satisfaction from outside the sector up to the cabin.
According to the working Yanto similar 2000 cc capacity, the addition of various components in car entertainment (ICE) is needed for adding satisfaction. Additional sound neat, slicked up with the installation of multiple monitors to support the visual elements, it is believed will create excitement in the cabin shades.
"Many participants of the contest that changed the image of the cabin with elegant style or VIP. But I want a bit different from the others. Hence all fitted with seat headrest monitors let more attention," said Yanto from home modification Auto Sound Gallery on Jl. Masjid Raya, Makassar, South Sulawesi.
Implementation of car cinema installations rely on 502 Alpine DVD head unit plus iPod module. The focus of this change is indeed highlight the ICE, so the installation of various gadgets as much as possible optimized device.
Offsetting the main drivers that have different features voice control is sufficient, Yanto still combine Alpine PXA 701 processor as the manager of multimedia sound and visual control.
Supply gived sound speaker sets Cello. For future use 3-way system, and center speaker in the cabin behind Alpine embrace a full-range model. Make ends maximize surround sound, since all the benches have been installed additional monitor for entertainment fulfillment.
Outside dressed dandy also faces made more so in balance with the view. Simple but quite compelling upgrade through the addition of body kit version of the add-on. Ground clearance is also made more horizontal, so that more cool impressed with Kranze 20-inch rims that adorn the front-rear leg. Reward, Innova V devirate This was asked in 2010 as The Best Car mat AAC Cinemax in 2010 Makassar, (19-20/6) ago.